(301) 877-7100
In His Image Christian Ministries
7343 Old Alexandria Ferry Road | Clinton, MD 20735

"Men After The Heart Of God"
Teaching men how to become effective fathers, husbands, and individuals in Christ through the word of God.
Women's Ministry
"Equipped From the Inside Out"
Strengthening and encouraging women to grow spiritually and identify their God-given significance.
Measures of Wisdom Ministry
Promotes spiritual awareness to Seniors 50 and older, thriving through the Word of God.
Helps Ministry
Provides valuable support to the IHICM congregation and surrounding community through serving.
Hospitality Ministry
Usher's Ministry
Membership Support Ministry
The place where men are. Where cost comes second to cause. 1 Thessalonians 5:12
Married Couples for Christ Ministry
Helping couples to grow as one through the word of God.
Youth Ministries
Empowering the youth through Word and fellowship
Young Adult (ages 18-35)
M.O.D. Squad (Masters of Destiny) -Young men destined to impact the Kingdom
Precious Gems - Young ladies recognizing and understanding who they are in Christ.