(301) 877-7100
In His Image Christian Ministries
7343 Old Alexandria Ferry Road | Clinton, MD 20735
RECHARGE "2024".... Women's Gathering
It’s Time to Put Yourself in a Timeout ….and take care of You!!!
Recharge “2024” is a women’s gathering created to provide women the opportunity to make themselves a priority.
This Gathering will allow you to Renew your Mind, Relax your Body, and Recharge your Spirit!
Don't miss out on this opportunity to put yourself in a life-changing time-out, designed to help you appreciate the gift that He created, called YOU!
Enjoy the beautiful city of Charlotte, wonderful fellowship, and relaxation!
There will be forums and engaging activities by incredible speakers, as well as licensed/certified professionals. All designed to provide insight Spiritually, Physically, Nutritionally, and Emotionally.
So, meet us in Charlotte, NC for an unforgettable time of fun and fellowship that will empower us to never forget to Recharge daily!
Registration Fee: $375
Registration includes: Special Recharge Gift package; An Evening of Elegance (All Black Attire Banquet); Jazz Tea Experience with live jazz artist; An Evening of Possibilities (All White Attire Affair), and more!
Venue: Embassy Suites by Hilton Charlotte- Concord Golf Resort & Spa
5400 John Q Hammons Drive NW. Concord, NC 28027
Hotel accommodations, parking, and transportation are not included.
The link for Discounted Hotel Accommodations will be provided upon registration (includes breakfast buffet, reduced parking fee, and access to available hotel amenities)
So Ladies, let’s RECHARGE our mind, body, and soul in “2024!”